Ethiopia Gesha Village Lot23/E-040

  • Tasting Notes Jasmine flowers, Lychee and Mango
  • Location Omo, Bench Maji, Ethiopia
  • Elevation 1931 - 2040 M

  • Details Semi-anaerobic Natural Gesha

Adam and Rachel Samuel Overton started the Gesha Village project nearly 15 years ago, with a singular purpose: to grow the amazing Gesha variety in it’s birthplace. In this time they have built a reputation for the quality of their coffees, from their ‘rarities’ competition nano-lots, through to their micro-lot ‘growers reserve’ coffees and their larger ‘single-terroir’ single farm lots.

This particular lot fits in the former category - a rarity. In their words “representing 10 percent of our total farm production, these exquisite coffees are full of complex flavors, and super rare. The Rarities are the top coffees Gesha Village produces outside of our auction lots, and they are frequently chosen for competition by internationally competing baristas.”

They call this their "Semi anaerobic natural process: This type of coffee is produced by fermenting freshly harvested cherries in a sub-terrain concrete tank for 109 hours. The coffee is then delivered to raised African beds and dried in the sun as we would in our traditional natural process."

The Gesha 1931 selection is made from the diverse forest population that closely resembles the Panamanian Geisha. This selection was made by looking at the plant morphology, bean shape and size, as well as its cup profile.

We were given the opportunity to split this 60Kg lot with another UK roaster and although it’s the most expensive coffee we’ve ever had through the Crankhouse doors, it was difficult to turn it down.


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