Hario V60 plastic dripper for 2-cup brewing is a simple lightweight and cost-effective way to start you off in the world of filter brewing. The heat-retention might not be the same as for a glass dripper but nevertheless the plastic v60 will allow any brewer at home to experiment with brewing temperatures and times to alternate the coffee taste. Grab one of these together with some paper filters and begin your brewing journey.
The famous Hario cone design is truly special because of a combination of the 60 degrees angle (hence V60), the large hole in the middle and spiral ridges.
Included :
1x Hario V60 Plastic Dripper 02
How to Brew Manual
Measuring Spoon
You could take the optional unit comes with a scoop and 40 papers in the box.
If you want to see how the best do it then checkout Scott Rao's V60 brewing video here or James Hoffman''s ultimate V60 guide here.